Hood2Hooded Podcast
The Hood2Hooded Podcast delves into the challenging journey of overcoming poverty and breaking the cycle of generational limitations. Through insightful discussions and practical strategies, we aim to empower listeners with the knowledge and tools necessary to rise above adversity. From exploring entrepreneurship and business savvy to unlocking the mental barriers that perpetuate defeat, our goal is to guide you on a transformative journey towards achieving generational wealth. Join us as we navigate the path from hood to hooded, embracing hustle, passion, and growth along the way. It's time to break free from the shackles of poverty and embrace a future filled with success and prosperity.
Hood2Hooded Podcast
10 Generational Curses You MUST break to succeed!
Generational curses can often feel like an invisible weight dragging us down. Growing up amidst financial hardships and witnessing the struggles of my family, I realized that breaking free from these patterns was paramount. This episode of the Hood to Hooded podcast is a raw, personal exploration of how education and an entrepreneurial mindset can be powerful tools for overcoming inherited challenges. Together, we uncover the importance of recognizing and addressing these issues head-on to change the trajectory of our family's future.
Discipline is the thread that weaves dreams into reality. Throughout my journey, despite achieving significant milestones, maintaining discipline has been a constant struggle. This episode delves into the critical role of time management, consistent effort, and a clear action plan in embedding discipline into our daily lives. Listeners will find a compelling discussion on how to rise above procrastination and regrets, emphasizing that discipline is the cornerstone of success, especially for those from challenging backgrounds.
Financial illiteracy is a generational curse that many of us face, entering adulthood without a clear understanding of credit, finances, or investments. We discuss how financial education can significantly alter life trajectories and the impact of frequent relocations on children's ability to form lasting relationships. Tackling childhood trauma, abuse, and the importance of breaking the silence surrounding these experiences is crucial to healing and breaking generational curses. With inspiration from Dr. Shon and her journey of positivity and self-affirmation, we empower listeners to believe in their potential and take definitive steps toward achieving greatness.
Thanks for listening, I pray this episode inspires you to kick start your journey towards the ultimate level of success.
Let's connect. Visit this link drshon.com
Welcome back to the Hood 2 Hooded podcast. This is your host, Dr. Shon, the Motivational Dentist. In this episode, we will be discussing 10 generational curses that will test your discipline and willpower to succeed. Welcome back to the Hood 2 Hooded podcast where we dive deep into challenges and triumphs that shape our lives.
Today, we are tackling a crucial topic, one that is near and dear to my heart, It's talking about generational curses. Now, that generational curses can't indeed hold you back from accomplishing your goals. That's why we want to expose them and delete them from our lives. Now, these generational curses are hurdles that many of us face due to patterns passed down through generations.
So these are passed down through our parents, grandparents and it's just, it just runs in the family, but you know what they say, this is where it runs out of the family. Okay. So welcome back Kings and Queens. I know it's been a minute since we touched bases, but I will save that topic for another podcast.
And And this one, I really want to touch on these generational curses because I see so many of them being perpetuated through social media, just in our everyday life. And I want you guys to know how, even though I was born into different generational curses, I found the willpower and the hustle to overcome them in order to succeed, and I believe that you can do the same if you have not done already.
If you are battling generational curses, this could mean that you are a chosen one, and then this is a task for you to overcome so that you can change the trajectory of your family's life. Now, how many of us are up to that task? I know I am. I've always been up to the task, but let me tell you something.
I have to be totally honest with you guys. I did not know that generational curses, there were more than one. When you hear that word generational curse, you think, Oh, there's just one curse that I have to break. But in actuality, this thing is multifaceted. So this means that. You're gonna have to break a lot of generational curses depending on your age, depending on your situation, depending on what tests and trials you were born into.
So I just picked like 10 of the main ones that stand out that I really think that we should acknowledge and be able to overcome. You may not be able to overcome them immediately. It's gonna take some time, some patience, a lot of willpower, a lot of hustle, a lot of faith, and just a lot of Action. Okay, repeat after me.
Action. This is what breaks generational curses. All right, so the first one that we're going to dig into is, number one, poverty. Okay, first, poverty is growing up in a situation where Money is tight, where every check you barely have enough to make it through the end of the month. This creates a direct challenge to our ability to thrive.
The stress of financial insecurity can drain your focus and your motivation. So let's dive deep into this first one of three. poverty because normally when we think of generational curses, this is what we think of first is the lack of money, basically. So poverty just can't, it creates and it breeds so many traumas in your life.
Because if you're a child and you're undergoing poverty, you see your parents or your grandparents struggling from check to check. They use cash, payday loan places. They borrow money from friends, but it's really hard to make it week after week. You can only imagine the type of stress that this only, not only instills in the parent, but also in the child seeing an adult struggle in that way.
So even though My relationship with poverty, it runs deep because I saw this as a child. So I knew that in order for me to have money, which I saw people really were going to work for, I would have to work. I knew this from a child. So that's why I started braiding hair, doing hair around the neighborhood.
So that I can make some chump change at the age of 12, 13, 14. And I did hair pretty much until the age of 16. And even after that, until I actually got my first job at McDonald's on my 16th birthday. That's how desperate I was to get out of poverty. So poverty is one of those things that we have to recognize in Find solutions to get out of that situation now for me my golden ticket out of poverty I saw was education.
So that's why I'm so big on education because once my mom before she passed away when I was eight years old she instilled in me that thought hey you're gonna be a doctor and I figured hey if I become a doctor even though I really couldn't see the path I knew that was a surefire way sure Way to escape poverty, other ways to escape poverty is definitely, just being in that entrepreneur mindset and just having the sellers mentality and never ever just folding and feeling like you're not worth more.
I see so many people get stuck in careers and jobs that they absolutely hate. Because of money and they don't feel like they can get more. If you are working the minimum wage or if you're stuck on a job, making the same pay and you're stagnant, always seek better opportunities. No matter how old you are, if you're in the workforce, seek better opportunities because nine times out of 10, there's another company that will pay you more.
That will give you a better experience that will enhance your resume to make you that boss or to enhance your financial. To enhance your finances so that you can get out of that check to check mentality. I saw it all throughout childhood with pretty much many family members. And what poverty leads to is when you get older, you have issues.
Just enjoying your life. Now, I feel like that's a generational curse because it has tricked us to not really think about money except from a stressful standpoint. And when you come from poverty, you come from the hood, you don't know how to make the money work for you, you end up working for the government.
The money now one book that really touches home on this is rich dad poor dad If you have never heard of this book, then this is your first step to escape poverty is reading that book And understanding the difference between the person who like me in that book went to school thought that this was the way Struggled the whole time And didn't realize that this was really a setup for us to be broke because money isn't real I know that's going pretty deep but Robert Kiyosaki was talking about his dad who was like my My family comes from poverty like the hood the projects like check the check stuff like that.
His dad was You know, he had a career, but he wasn't wealthy. Now, his friend's dad was wealthy. He was taking vacations. He invested. So if you're investing, this is making money work for you, making money working your sleep, and you need multiple streams of income to do this. So that's why our first Thing that you must break is the barrier between poverty and wealth.
Okay. Number two, one thing that is really going to stalk you all the way into adulthood, that is going to be a generational curse that you just can't move forward and be successful without. Understanding is communication. Now, communication is a biggie for me because I always found that my communication as a child was never really discussed.
It was never developed. The only person I really communicated with, especially about my deep feelings, is counselors. A lot of times I had counselors in high school college, even dental school because of the trauma, the traumatic childhood I experienced. I always needed to find a place or a person to listen to those feelings so that I can be successful because those feelings and not being able to communicate them with people and family members and friends who will understand or that I feel would judge me, I would just hold those in and it makes you depressed.
It makes you sad and it makes you feel like you can not succeed. Many of us grew up in environments where our dialogue was absent. The dialogue for a lot of things was absent. Broken and traumatic communication patterns can lead to misunderstandings, feeling isolated, and an inability to discuss critical issues like mental health, which in turn translates to poor adult relationships.
This is so true. If you don't learn how to communicate as a child, and a lot of parents in impoverished neighborhoods and communities, they curse at their children. They don't really say, I love you. They don't really say you're doing a great job. They don't speak those positive affirmations I was just lucky that before my mom passed away The little bit of time that I did spend with her when I wasn't with my grandma.
She did say positive affirmations to me She knew that I was dark skinned She knew that I would be a target of bullying because of the way the society is they think They teach the kids to hate dark skinned children and to bully them because it's all in the history books. But she had me say, hey, the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.
Black is beautiful. These are things that she instilled in me from a child because she knew that I would be attacked and she wasn't wrong. When she passed away, I really didn't have anybody to communicate with. My grandparents were stressed about bills and going to work overnight. It just wasn't something that they really needed.
Talked about, hey, how are you doing mentally? Do you feel like you're depressed? Do you feel like you're stressed? Are you being bullied? It just wasn't really brought up and they didn't mean any harm. This is just one of those generational curses. And I feel like losing my mom, a lot of people never wanted to talk about it because it was such a sensitive topic.
They felt if I say anything that's going to trigger She may cry, get sad, depressed. Half of the time that was true, but half of the time, it prevented me from being able to communicate about what was actually happening in my life. How do I feel about losing my parents? The only place that I was really able to communicate was in the court system, going through custody battles.
Those people would ask me, hey, how do you feel living here? How do you feel living there? But it wasn't really genuine communication that would help me elevate into adulthood. To the point where I can have great relationships with other people. And I feel like even now as a dentist, it does impact my communication to my patients.
I'm still growing in the area and it's just difficult. It's really difficult, but it is a generational curse that you must break. Or you must, it's a skill that you must break. Poor communication is a skill that you must break. Remove and get excellent communication. And it just takes time to build that.
And it takes time to listen and. Be able to express your feelings without them drowning out your success. Okay. The third thing that we're going to discuss is love. Yes. Now we move on to love when you're searching for affection in the wrong places are forming trauma bonds. It can lead to a sense of unworthiness when it comes to unconditional love.
This can derail your path to emotional health and stability. Okay, so let's talk about love because the way love in your household as a child kind of shapes the way your brain views love when you're a teenager. And When you become an adult. So for me, not being in the house with either one of my parents, majority of my life, I would say 99 percent of my life becoming from a single grandparent household, two different grandparents, seeing my father be abusive to women in my presence.
Just seeing the kind of love where men were cheating and on the women that I saw around me and just seeing all those broken relationships and it just really tainted my view of love. And not only that, just not having my parents, I feel like it made me seek love in the wrong places. And sometimes this can definitely be a generational curse that can hold you back.
You can get involved in the wrong relationship and Your dreams will be out the window and you will not be successful because you have attached yourself to people who don't really love you and you're looking for love and you don't know how it even looks. You don't have any examples of that besides in the movies.
So I know. I know. That, that definitely shaped my psyche when it comes to how I view love, how I fall in love, and how I determine who loves me unconditionally. This is one thing that we really have to be cautious about because love is dangerous. There is a thin line between love and hate. Literally, there's a thin line between love and hate and there's a thin line between, unconditional love and finding your dreams.
Because if you are in love, a relationship where you're being abused or You don't really know The impact that people who are narcissists or people who don't really love you have it can break you down You could tell that they don't care. So I have went through a relationship in the past where I felt like I was doing all the loving I was doing all the sacrifice.
I was doing all the working hard I felt like I was doing Too much to prove that I loved someone and they weren't doing enough for me They didn't really see that I was drowning and killing myself So I had to get out of that because that's not love is somebody who is Equal and wants both of you to succeed You're going to help each other grow if you're not helping each other grow and it's bringing you a source of stress Then that's not love.
That's actually, like I just said, it's a thin line between love and hate So you want to be careful with love? Come in from poverty, because that is one of the most silent generational curses there is, and it can definitely distract you from your dreams and get you into a world of trouble. Okay.
All right, we're moving right along kings and queens. The next topic that we will be discussing is discipline. How many people come from the hood and do not have discipline? This is the fourth curse, the lack of discipline. For many, there's a temptation to get distracted and to lose focus, making it challenging to stay on task.
Without discipline, dreams might just feel out of reach. So without discipline, your dreams really are a wish. Because without discipline, meaning the action to be disciplined. focus and to be dedicated to accomplishing your goals and to have an action plan and writing it down and actually waking up every day to knock off that checklist then you will not have a successful dream.
You need discipline. Now the funny thing is I have struggled with discipline I feel my entire life but obviously I had some type of discipline to be able to go to school and to complete. three degrees and to become a doctor. There's some type of discipline involved in that process. But at the same time, for me, I know that my discipline is very shaky.
If I really want something, I have the capacity to be solely, totally disciplined, but still, even now I find myself not really having it when it comes to other things. Like for instance, I've been trying to grow my YouTube channel for 10 years, but the first nine years, I didn't really have that discipline.
I would, have little sparks where I would do things, get frustrated being a one person content creator, doing all the editing and recording that really made me say, Hey, you know what? This is too hard. I'm not really disciplined in this. I have dentistry to worry about. I couldn't really be disciplined because I didn't have the time.
So part of discipline is practicing time management. And these are all skills that you must. You must, get under your belt. If you want to be successful, you will not be successful coming out of the hood, coming out of those generational curses. If you're not disciplined, it's really going to take you standing on top of your business and being too.
Totally dedicated to breaking this curse. If you really want something, you're going to have to wake up every day, eat, breathe, sleep it, and just embed it in your mind. Speak those affirmations that help you overcome the feeling of procrastination, the feeling of just waking up like, Oh, I'll just do it tomorrow because tomorrow never comes.
And then you end up getting older. Time is wasted and you have a lot of regrets because you could have did it. Yesterday, but you said you was gonna do it tomorrow. Why not do it today? Do what you said you're gonna do today. I have been Undisciplined with my podcast Just to be honest because I opened up a dental practice.
So I put most of my time in this first year of Running the dental practice and I can be honest guys. It almost burnt me out. Like I said, I'm gonna save that for another podcast, but I lost a lot of discipline. I lost a lot of focus because I was overwhelmed and this is what made me say, Hey, I thought I broke a generational curse by graduating as a doctor, but it was just, The surface of it.
Now I'm digging deep into recognizing a lot of things that prevent me from being the best dentist that I can be, because there's still some generational curses lingering and still some skills that I must develop. That's why it's always the practice of dentistry. And that's why with your life, you're always going to be in the practice of making your life better.
It's never going to be like exactly how you want it, but you definitely need to work towards it and stay positive and stay optimistic while you're en route to accomplishing your dreams and being successful. So I need you guys to be very disciplined. Okay? Not a little bit, but a lot of it, because that's going to really make the difference between the people who are going to accomplish their goals and the people who You know are gonna make a whole bunch of excuses and I don't want that to be you in order to go from hood to hood.
Discipline is Key. All right. Another generational curse are the fifth generational curse that you must break and this is really one of the main topics that we discuss on this podcast is Financial literacy the lack of financial literacy is the fifth generational curse many Enter adulthood without the necessary knowledge about credit.
finances, retirement, business, and entrepreneur or entrepreneurship. This lack of insight can feel like starting a race with your shoes tied together. So you already started behind because you have no clue about any of this stuff and that's exactly how I felt as a young Headed to adulthood, headed to college, even in high school, I felt I didn't even know how I felt until now because I didn't know that's what I needed then.
But now that I'm older, my whole goal is to expose these generational curses. Hopefully that the youth will listen to this and say, you know what? I want to be successful. I need a blueprint. The blueprint that you really need is to invest. your time into learning about financial literacy. Financial literacy means that you're just You understand how money works.
You understand the importance of credit and investing. I know that if I would have learned these things in middle school or high school, it would have made a huge impact on my life versus graduating in the international baccalaureate program. These are top notch classes, graduating with honors and going to Florida State, which is a D1 division school, but never ever having heard about financial literacy.
That is. One of the generational curses that I know for a fact, it is not talked about on purpose. It's not talked about because they don't want the masses to be able to manage money or understand money so that we can become workers. Because if you don't know how to make money, you don't know how to invest it, you don't know how to grow it, you're going to be forever under someone else's employment.
Now you will never have your own employment. So we definitely want to continue every day making that effort to be financially literate, to be financially aware of our status. Because if you're, if you don't learn it when you're young, it will travel with you until you're 40, and then you're older and you're struggling.
And that's something that we really must break to break generational curses. The sixth generational curse is based on the location. Some people have their childhood homes while others move frequently breaking friendships, pulling them away from stability. This constant change can foster a sense of distrust and loyalty issues.
There are some kids who can say, Hey, I have grew up in the same household since I was a kid and they can go back and they have memories. Some kids don't have that privilege like me. I moved every single school year. There wasn't one school year, maybe one or two out of the whole 18 years where I was just.
I move every single school year, whether it be the police coming to say, Hey, this person filed a claim for custody. Now you got to move to this city or, Hey, you get back from vacation over the summer and you're moved to this house, to this neighborhood, to dislocation from school, to school.
I know that I attended at least four or five elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools, but not Okay, so I know that sounds confusing, but your location is very important to how you view your life. If you were never able to form long term relationships with your friends. I had so many best friends at every school.
And I feel like at the end of the year, that doesn't happen. I knew that relationship was going to die because there was no social media. There was no Facebook, no MySpace back in the day. So you just had to lose your relationship, especially you're a kid. You don't have cell phones and things like it is now.
So I always had to say goodbye. And I didn't even, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to school year ended. And I'm thinking, Hey, I'm going to see my friends next year. And next year you're at a new school. That is detrimental to a young adolescence or even the child's mental health. Imagine what that does to their long term relationships and their ability to communicate.
And this is why I even struggle now as an adult to stay in contact with people because I never really did that as a child. I never really had the opportunity. And it's a skill that we must break to overcome generational curses. Networking, getting together with your village. Staying in communication, it only makes you feel better.
It grows your confidence and it helps you thrive as an adult. Okay, so location is very important. Number seven, childhood trauma. We cannot forget about this one. Experiences like child abuse, neglect, molestation are often shrouded in trauma. Secrecy and can leave very deep scars the fear of exposing an abuser can keep individuals trapped in their pain Sometimes forever.
I know there are people who have been molested by uncles fathers Other like women and they never let their secret out and that's crazy because You're forced to live with this generational curse this generational trauma And never being able to say anything about it because of how people will look at you now I had experiences like this as a child where it was I would say sexual abuse molestation, but it was never Intercourse it was just always attempts to do these things And I just thought it was crazy because I did go tell adults and they looked at me like I was crazy.
I even had someone who I really trusted and I talk about this in my book, but Who I really trusted and I went to them. I said, hey this guy touched me He said he want to have sex with me. He woke me up. He did this he did that and they looked at me and said Hey you know I'm The person that they're married to depends on them for money.
We got to keep this a secret. And I was just baffled. I was baffled. I was pissed. I never looked at that person the same. I just could not believe the audacity to minimize my feelings, minimize how I feel. I'm only a teenager and you're going to tell me that I can't say anything. I have to live with this and you're going to know about it and be around this person and be okay with it.
That's not Unconditional love that creates those childhood trauma bonds that creates that that feeling of what am I doing here? Nobody like you feel like people don't even care and that can really hurt you that can really hurt you So after that incident, I knew That there were a lot of people living with this and they can make your dreams Almost impossible, but I don't want you to let that stop you.
I want you to still Remind yourself that you are worthy of love unconditional love and that does not Need to be your testimony You can talk about it You can get it out Don't feel like you have to hide these people and live in shame Because they're the ones who be should be ashamed and I was very wise as a child.
I know young adults who You Are young teenagers who weren't that vocal. They didn't tell their abuser, Hey, what you're doing is wrong. If you keep trying to do this to me, I'm going to tell on you. And if I did tell, nothing was done, but I was very vocal about it. I just was silenced. I was silenced. I was silenced and I was told that, Hey, if we tell them these people, they just put them in the system and this is how they want the black man.
It didn't make any sense to me as a child. I was mortified. So yeah, childhood trauma is definitely one of those generational curses that you have to overcome and break in order to succeed. So if you experience something like this, don't ever give up on your dreams. Don't ever feel like you're less than you are.
Less than worth it. You are so worth it. You have no idea. Your testimony can actually help somebody. You exposing that person can actually help them to realize that something that they're doing is wrong. I read this saw this story on YouTube about this lady who was being molested by her father for years.
The mother knew and she started having children from her father. She had a couple children from her father before people found out. And this is what I'm talking about. Those secrets, they sometimes can produce receipts that are, that ruin people's lives. So don't stay silent. Make sure you can confide in somebody.
All right. The eighth thing is a significant setback can stem from the loss of parent or close loved one. Now y'all know if you've been on this Hood to Hood podcast before today, you know that losing a parent can be detrimental. This type of grief is especially heavy in childhood and can linger through adult life, leading to issues like drug abuse, mental health challenges, and a lack of motivation.
Now, Woo! That one hits home. I still wake up some days or go to sleep some nights and I cry because I cannot talk to my mom. And there is no other person who can replace a mother's love. And the fact that she's no longer here, I have went through My teenage years, my twenties, my thirties without her and that's a lot and I still miss her like crazy.
And I don't understand how people grow up and they don't love their mom. They disrespect their mom if they have a good mother. I don't understand it. And this is one thing that definitely had. Me traumatized since eight years old since I got that news. I knew that depression had entered my life that day.
I knew that post traumatic stress disorder was in my life that day. Anxiety about who I was entered my life that day at Just eight years old. I had no idea what to do with these feelings. I did not know what was going to become of my life and I felt like it was unfair. I felt like God cheated me and I felt like I just did not want to live.
Now that feeling of not wanting to live followed me. Everywhere even to opening the dental practice it followed me because I felt like I got to this point My village doesn't seem like they're super happy or they're you know, they're not that supportive. I feel like People don't really understand still.
I feel like what am I doing this for? I've had, I had those emotions like, why am I doing this? This is so stressful. My mom isn't here. I have nobody to be proud of me. And those are all generational curses. And those are emotions and feelings that can make you lose your dream that will hinder your success.
And this is something that is very tricky because nobody can really tell you how to feel about losing a parent or someone who's very close. But what I can tell you is that you have to pick your head up and keep going because guess what? They would not want you to be down here suffering, using all your time left here on earth, grieving and being in this sad space.
They want you to be happy. They want you to thrive. And that's the only thought that keeps me going is because I know my guardian angel, embedded positivity in me and that seed has. It had to grow, even though it was just a seed before she passed, it had to grow, it had to flourish. I had to work through that childhood trauma.
I could not ignore it. Even though I had people around me, Oh, I've never been depressed. I've never did this. That's not what you say to someone who is battling mental health issues, because you do get depressed. You do feel defeated. You do feel like you're not worth it sometimes. Because that thought of my mom, if anything triggers me, if I really get sad or, Menstrual hormones something it doesn't take much to trigger that thought so I had to learn how to control that thought and say you know What when I see those triggers I have to respond better to them so that's why you have to respond different and know and understand that this can be a generational curse by Losing someone very young and not really having that village to be able to fulfill those shoes because they just can't afford it.
Or, you lose the person and then the people around you fight over the child for money. Or they fight and it just makes it all very traumatic. I could never understand how people didn't understand this. These kids just lost their mom. Now we're going to throw them in the custody battles and fight over them.
Oh, that's really going to help their future. It's not, it's really not like it's very traumatic. And I don't appreciate anybody who ever put me in that situation as a child. Yes. I made it out because my brain was strong, but I suffered. So much doubt so much mental storms because of it, and it is not fair.
Number nine, moving on to the knowledge gap. Now the knowledge gap is definitely a generational curse is because you know what they say, if you want to hide something from black people, put it in a book. And most of the times those generational curses are perpetuated in the black community. So if you want to hide something from the indigenous people, put it in a book.
And that's where the knowledge gap starts because we must read and you must read things that will pour into you, help you build your skills, help you learn how to break more generational curses. The knowledge gap. This is often a result of systematic issues where valuable information is censored, leaving many in a negative knowledge bank.
When you don't know who you are or what you're capable of, it can hinder your growth. Okay. So again, if you don't know who you are, where you come from, It can definitely hinder your growth, and I know that for me. The knowledge itself is so important. I was just mid 30s before I realized, wow, I don't know my family tree.
I don't know certain things about my family history. And that's where the knowledge gap starts because we are so divided. We are so broken and we don't have even that simple knowledge of where we came from. And that's the spit in the face. But that's how they set this country up for us to be in the blind about a lot of things.
So if you want to break those generational curses and close this knowledge gap, you must be a reader. In order to be a leader, you must be a reader. In order to be a, to break the knowledge gap, you must obtain knowledge that helps you advance, that you can give back to future generations. So that you can know how to be successful.
Okay, I need you guys to stop strolling and pick up a book sometimes. And I know that it can be addictive, getting on social media, seeing all of this negativity and judging other people and trying to keep up with the Joneses. But make sure you protect your knowledge. Because I learned in elementary school that knowledge is what?
Knowledge is power. It really is. Now, number 10, and this is our final generational curse that we're going to be discussing is purpose. All right, purpose. The lack of purpose is a generational curse. Many struggle to find it, feeling lost and adrift. Discovering your purpose can be a game changer in breaking these generational curses.
It is often said that when you're on the path Of the chosen one, the road will be challenging, but it's worth pursuing. Okay. It's worth pursuing. So you are a chosen one. You came from the hood. You came from poverty. You went through these different generational curses, but they did not stop you. But maybe you still haven't found your purpose.
And I discover that finding your purpose is the ultimate way to battle up and prepare to break generational curses. It's the ultimate way to get out of the funk and realize that you Are sent here for a reason what you have went through do not let your testimony die in vain Do not feel like you have to keep it a secret you overcame it You are on the other side now or you're trying to overcome it.
So be proud of yourself for even Taking that initiative to find positive podcasts, videos, people, books, just nature, just going inside, meditating, doing yoga to find your purpose. Because once you find your purpose, you will forever be able to break any generational curse that comes your way because it will never get in the way of your purpose.
And I know that my purpose is still being constructed, but I know that one of my purposes is to speak live to tell my story because I found myself in these past couple years hiding my story, didn't want to offend anybody, not really want to talk about it because certain people got in their feelings. I can't do that no more.
I can't do that no more. I have people depending on me to tell my testimony. I need to tell my testimony because that helps me heal. I need to let other people know that just because you came from being poor, just because you've been stuck, just because you got comfortable, just because you do have a lot of excuses why you should fail, doesn't mean that you need to fail.
That doesn't mean that you will fail. But if you don't push, you will fail. If you don't plan to get out of it, you will fail. Those generational curses are words that we're talking about, but they are actual physical things that can hinder your life and hold you back from all that you actually deserve.
You are chosen. You are chosen by God, so your battle is gonna be hard. I was today years old when I realized, you know what, my battle has been hard for 30 plus years because I was chosen. I'm a chosen one. And I own that now. I'm not afraid of it. I'm unapologetic about it. I'm not afraid about what people may say, how they look at me, how they think I made a mistake in different ways because we all fall short.
But the thing is, you got to get yourself back up. You have to pick yourself back up and never let these generational curses break you down. Now these are just a few generational curses that can test our discipline and our willpower. But remember, recognizing them is the first step to overcoming their effects.
Okay? So what about you? What other generational curses do you feel? that can be broken and that we should discuss. Please send me your thoughts to us on our social channels and let us know how we can break these chains together. And before we go, I just want to recap on those generational curses that we talked about.
Number one, poverty. Number two, communication, the lack of communication. Number three tainted love. Number four, the lack of discipline. Number five, the lack of financial literacy. Number six. Location number seven childhood trauma number eight the loss of a loved one or a parent number nine the knowledge gap in number ten the absence of Your purpose.
All right So I hope that this video will I hope that this podcast reaches whoever needs this at this moment. Just know that you are so amazing and always speak positive affirmations to yourself. And you guys, before we go, I want you to say this with me. Okay. Are you ready? I want you to say, or even if you're watching this on the video, I want you to type in the comments or send me a text message on the podcast.
Something wonderful is going to happen to me today. I want you to really believe that now Something wonderful is going to happen to you and to me so type something wonderful is going to happen to me today Okay So until the next time I hope you guys stay strong and keep striving for success This is dr.
Shon the motivational dentist and this is the hood to hooded podcast. 10 generational curses you must break to succeed, baby. Listen, I will see you guys in the next video. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast. Make sure you just support us so we can keep this knowledge flowing so that we can keep growing and not let anything hold us back from going from hood.
We are diving deep. I'm so excited to be back on the mic. I have my setup coming podcast room in the works. It's exciting. This is just season one and it just goes to show you, you have to start because if you don't start, you'll never get anywhere. I have. Was terrified to start this podcast and I'm still in the beginning stages of it.
So every time I hop on the mic, it's a little intimidating, but it's okay. Because guess what? I'm a generational curse breaker, baby. All aboard the hooded podcast, this is where we break those curses. All right. This is Dr. Shon and I'm out. Have a wonderful day. Kings and queens.